
・Traditionally baked ngali nut (Canarium Indicum)
To present the ngali nut as a tasty, highly nutritious and significant cultural food. It is designed especially to appeal to tourists and foodists. The traditional method of processing the nuts is maintained to present an authentic, original product that is truly from the Solomon Islands. Its use is a celebration of culture.
Typical nutrient composition (per 100g) are:
Energy – 3060kJ
Protein – 14.8g
Total fat – 72.4g
Mono-unsaturated – 27.4g
Poly-unsaturated – 8.8g
Trans-fat - <0.1g
Carbohydrates – 7.8g
Sugars – 0.7g
Calcium – 44mg
Sodium – 0.84mg

Ngali nut also contains healthy fats and bioactive chemicals with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.

